Pardon Me?

Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the worst presidents. He also will be the one known for the most pardons. He pardoned murderers, rapists, drug dealers, people who destroyed families and worked against America. And at the last minute, he pardoned his family members for crimes of which they haven’t been charged. Did the same for the January 6 committee members and congressional staff that fabricated the “insurrection” narrative to impeach Donald Trump and jail hundreds of Capitol Hill bystanders. Biden also pardoned Dr. Anthony Fauci of COVID fame for any crimes that he may have committed. These so-called preemptive pardons are extraordinary, but there is something even more hidden.

It is obvious to most Americans, except the media, that the stated reason of protecting these people against Trump political retribution is gaslighting. Biden knows, as do the vast majority who follow these issues, that the people he preemptively pardoned for any crime that they may have committed, are guilty of committing heinous crimes. For his own family, Joe is protecting the Biden crime organization that has used his positions as vice president and president to enrich themselves and siphon billions of taxpayer dollars from deals with places like China, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, Syria, Hamas and who knows where else. This protection essentially allows the crime boss to continue with impunity.

The pardon of Fauci also protects the Biden family for the shenanigans with the entire COVID hoax that left millions of Americans dead and millions more harmed for life with a deadly vaccine that was forced upon the people. Fauci knew all along that the mRNA shot was a killer, was ineffective, and only injected long-term health issues into those who took it. We know he knew it from the documents and studies that have been published. We know now that he oversaw the development of the virus paid for by taxpayer dollars. We know that there were trillions of tax dollars, much of which is unaccounted for, transferred to people during that time. What we don’t know is how much of it went into the pockets of the Biden crime family, which very possibly could include “cartel” connections to the Clintons and Obamas.

The news media is claiming Biden issued these pardons to protect against Trump retribution. This gives them the excuse to repeat all the accusations against Trump as fact checks. But the fact is, and it is clearly a fact, Biden and his cronies already used their power for enriching themselves and retribution against their political opponents no different than communist regimes throughout history. There is and will be much debate and legal proceedings about the constitutionality of preemptive pardons. Biden, his ilk and the media are like what Christ described in John 8:44, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.”

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Bill Wilson

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