A prophetic warning among the fires of LA

So much destruction and death caused by the Los Angeles fires. Politicians are trying to shift attention away from their incompetence by blaming everything but themselves. The Democrat California Governor is calling for an investigation. Newly elected Democrat Senator Adam Schiff called for an investigation. Several liberals are circling the wagons trying to convince people it was global warming that caused the fire. The California Democrats and lapdog media are even trying to blame Donald Trump and Israel for the fire. No one takes responsibility. Everyone is pointing fingers. Fires are commonplace in California. They have them every year. This one, however, may well have some prophetic significance.

The complete devastation is a small picture of what could happen in the end of days. Moreover, it is a warning of what happens when evil people are in control of life and death and the consequences for the lack of discernment of those who follow such. California politicians know that there are wildfires all the time in their state. Firefighting resources are therefore paramount to survival and protection of the population. Rather than playing the phantom global warming card, it would have been wise for these politicians to protect, even increase, their budget for firefighting. It would have been wise to ensure that there was plenty of water resources in reserve to fight fires.

Instead, they cut the firefighting budget by billions. They emptied the water reservoirs into the ocean. They ignored dry brush that often serves as a matchbox when sparks fly. They allowed fireworks on New Years Eve in highly flammable areas. At the same time, they increased budgets favoring those who practice deviant sexual acts, gave government bureaucrats large pay raises and pursued lawlessness in many forms. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. These fires are a prophetic warning about discernment. When the people, who have a choice in their leadership, lack the discernment to choose “able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness,” there are severe consequences. The LA fires are a picture of what can/will happen in the absence of discernment and accountability.

Ephesians 5:6-7 says, “Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them.” That means don’t buy their lies. It means do not place them in leadership. It means do not live among them. It means be wise. It means exercise common sense. The ways of these fools are destructive even unto the righteous. There is no need to “investigate” the “why” behind these fires. It is obvious. The leadership is focused on nonsense and the people are perishing because of it. Not much difference than the destruction of Sodom. It is a prophetic picture of the end of days, an exhortation for people to turn from their wicked ways and call on the LORD for salvation. Let us pray for discernment and deliverance.

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Bill Wilson

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