It was then as it is today

Republican President George W Bush was the first president to ever publicly advocate a Palestinian state and apply constant and forceful pressure for Israel to give up its land. Bush’s vision was a Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Israel. He put the full weight of his administration behind pressuring Israel into giving up Gaza in 2005 to “Palestinians.” On August 18, 2005, The Daily Jot reported, “Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has unilaterally given up Gaza as a peace offering to the Palestinians. The Palestinians have answered with the slogan “Gaza today, Jerusalem tomorrow.” Palestinian leaders at the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, and at Islamic Jihad now claim victory and demand Jerusalem.” It was then as it is today.

On August 14, 2005, The Daily Jot reported: “The later part of August will mark for the first time in history Jews evicting Jews from the Promised Land. This event could very well be a watermark that accelerates prophetic events in the months and years ahead.  It is almost chilling to watch the events leading up to Israeli Prime Minister Arial Sharon’s so-called “disengagement” plan as the world pressures Israel to unilaterally give up covenant land for the mere hope upon hope that there might be a semblance of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Former Sharon cabinet member and once Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu plead with Israeli leadership last week to end the disengagement plan and to come to its senses.

“Like many, Netanyahu believes giving up land without concessions is a demonstration that terrorism pays and that Israel’s national security will be forever threatened. Certainly, Israel’s military understands the significance of Netanyahu’s concerns.  Middle East News Line reports that Israel’s military has revised its withdrawal plan to account for a scenario under which the eviction of Jewish residents from the Gaza Strip would be completed amid massive Palestinian fire and heavy Israeli casualties. Netanyahu called disengagement an “evil” and urged Members of the Knesset to stop it. He said he has warned the Sharon government that the Palestinians will only use the Gaza land to establish a terrorist base of operations and that the nation of Israel’s defense and security may be undermined by disengagement.”

A Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Israel is a pipe dream—and a deadly one at that. Gaza was the Palestinian state experiment. From the moment Sharon removed by force Jews from Gaza under constant gunfire from “Palestinians,” violence, missiles, terrorist attacks were commonplace every day. Every day. At the time, Netanyahu said, “The government is advancing in total blindness. They have eyes but don’t see. They have ears but don’t hear.” Today, the world is once again demanding Israel give in to the terrorists in the name of humanitarianism, another gesture for peace. As Christ asked in Mark 8:18, “Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear?’ And do you not remember?” I guess not. It is today as it was then.

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Bill Wilson

