Does your church support Palestinian terrorism?

Many churches have issued statements condemning all forms of violence and antisemitism, but they selectively participate in the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. In this current environment, supporting the Palestinian cause translates to Palestinian goals of annihilation of the Jewish people and Palestine from the river to the sea. Churches supporting Palestinian goals in any form are directly or indirectly supporting terrorism against Israel. Those who tithe and financially support these churches and organizations, are also supporting Palestinian terrorism. There is no moral equivalency of supporting the Palestinian state when it comes to Israel. God be the judge.

The Palestinian movement is not built on the foundation of human rights as the prominent gaslighting by media and global leaders suggest, but rather is the excuse for terrorism with the ultimate goal of another holocaust. One only have to look at the mission of Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups funded by not only the world’s foremost sponsor of terrorism, Iran, but also the billions of dollars world governments, including the US, give in the name of humanitarianism while knowing full well that the money elevates terrorism against Israel. I have personally witnessed this since the 1980s as a staffer for congressmen assigned to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Do not be deceived.

Some, like the World Council of Churches, did support BDS, but later it changed direction when Israel wouldn’t let some members into the country to visit holy sites. But the direction had been cast and it appears that while no longer supporting BDS as a public policy, it is still an ally of a Palestinian state. If your church is a member of the WCC, take heed to where your gifts are going. Churches who stand against Israel by supporting the Palestinian mission in word or deed whether BDS or other means include: The Roman Catholic Church, United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church (USA), Mennonite Church USA, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Church of the United Brethren in Christ, The Alliance of Baptists, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Episcopal Church, Unitarian Universalist Association and the World Communion of Reformed Churches.

Psalm 35:19 says, “Let them not rejoice over me who are wrongfully my enemies; Nor let them wink with the eye who hate me without a cause.” Don’t’ wrongfully be an enemy of God by accepting the wink of those who say they condemn violence and antisemitism while they promote the very things they tell you they condemn. Whether they do so in ignorance, or willful ignorance or otherwise, there is a just and unjust, a holy and unholy line that dare not be crossed as it has eternal consequences. The LORD said he will bless them that bless Israel and curse him that curses Israel. This message is not meant in any way to offend. If it does, self-examination is in order. Christ is a Jewish rabbi. He kept the feasts and the laws of God, never denying them. As Christians we are grafted in, not replacing, Israel. Remember, God will be the judge.


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Bill Wilson

