The American Chronicles: GPS or Map?

As someone who grew up in a time when a good map was a travel necessity, and the AAA Trip Tik was king, a GPS is a little difficult to trust. First, there is having to put in your destination. Where to? It asks. You begin typing in an address and then it kicks it…

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Pandora’s USAID Box

President Trump and Elon Musk have, shall we say, opened Pandora’s box releasing unspecified evils into America with their shuttering of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). You would think from hearing what the mainstream media and all the Democratic Party extremists are saying that shutting down USAID was the end of democracy. In…

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Stupidocrisy: The resistance

There is no excuse for those who are resisting the exposure of all the graft and corruption that has piled up in the US government over the past several years. If they are against this exposure, they are immoral and of an unsound character. Nothing less, nothing more. Romans 1:18 says, “For the wrath of…

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Mindboggling corruption

It’s difficult to keep up with the government waste and corruption that is being exposed by the Trump Administration. In every government agency, there has been millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars spent on horrible leftist agenda items. People have been unjustly incarcerated, essentially as political prisoners. Big money has been given to terrorist organizations.…

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Of principalities, deliverance and obedience

We have seen how the forces of evil react to having one of their principalities shattered. Today, the minions of satan are full force running to and fro trying to regain their powers of darkness in Washington, DC. There are examples of spiritual strongholds throughout scripture. Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh…

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Disrupting statism

Frog jumping into boiling water pot.

The leftist media and Democratic faithful are in a state of outrage by President Trump’s disruption of statism. From the minute he was sworn in to office, the Democratic Party’s worse nightmare began. Trump, like a whirlwind, is disrupting the longstanding statism that has been very carefully built over the last 60 years. In fact,…

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Stupidocrisy: Warpspeeding Stargate

Cute robot with digital interface background.

President Trump’s first half-month in office has been a lion’s roar against big government, statism, the deep state, illegal immigration and lawfare in the justice system. There is, however, one area in which he would be wise to pump the brakes—Stargate. He has announced a $500 BILLION project to harness artificial intelligence and embed this…

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Recognizing the twist of truth

Finger touching screen displaying "propaganda" text.

The establishment social justice warriors are angry because President Trump revoked radical DEI mandates in the federal government and declared that the federal government will now only recognize two genders, male and female. Those who have profited from “civil rights” advocacy over the last 50 years are looking at the action rather than the intent,…

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Life for Life

Person painting a window frame with clay.

Belief in Jesus’ crucifixion, death and resurrection and repentance of sin leads to eternal life in Christ. As is stated in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave the only begotten Son, so that everyone believing in Him should not perish, but should have eternal life.” The depth of this commitment…

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