Stupidocrisy: An Olympic-sized non-apology

IOC statement on Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony.

The France Olympics opened on July 26 with a blasphemous presentation of Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” where transgenders, drag queens and homosexuals played the roles of Jesus and his 12 disciples. It was perverted, disgusting and had no place in the Olympics or any other venue. It was so offensive that Christians around the…

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Prophetic events advancing

Parents searching for children after attack.

The Iran-sponsored terrorist organization Hezbollah fired rockets into a soccer field in Israel on July 27, killing 12—mostly children—and injuring dozens of others. Let’s repeat that—killing 12, mostly CHILDREN. The official Israeli government statement read: “Hezbollah murdered 11 Israeli children from northern Israel who were playing soccer. There are no words.” No words…Where is the…

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Do you have the peace of God?

Every presidential candidate since around 1976 has promised peace in the Middle East. Very few have ever achieved it. Reagan had some success. Both Bush father and son couldn’t get there. Clinton favored the Muslims. And Obama destabilized the Middle East with his Arab Spring movement that replaced somewhat stable governments with radical Islamic despots.…

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The American Chronicles: Destination Camping

One of the joys of camping/RV life is going on a quest. In fact, our RV is labeled an Entegra Quest. We are often on a quest to take an adventure of a certain ilk. Some friends we have are on a quest of destinations. Whether it is state or national parks, certain trails of…

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Shame: Government Media Complex

It’s been termed the “Government Media Complex” by some conservative writers. It refers to the mainstream, corporate media that is taking the hard-left position in its coverage of the presidential race, a mouthpiece for the Biden Administration, and ongoing purveyor of dog whistle rhetoric spewed by the hateful left. Americans wake up! Just read the…

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Stupidocrisy: Biden’s Judicial Reject

Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn was nominated on April 30 by Joe Biden to a seat on the US District Court for the Southern District. She then became the only Biden nominee for the federal courts to be rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee. It also marked the first time in…

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Beware of false prophets

There’s often debate among Christians about modern-day prophets. The guidelines of today suggest ways to “identify” a real prophet and who is false. Basically, what I’ve been told is that a real prophet will always give an encouraging word that “edifies” and the prophecy must also come true. Well, a look at the Bible might…

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The Red Herring swimming around Biden

“And now, I want to hand it to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin.” ”Look, I wouldn’t have picked vice president trump to be vice president if I think she’s not qualified to be president. Let’s start there.” These two quotes are Joe…

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The American Chronicles: Modern wagon trains and camps

A line of covered wagons on a dirt road.

There is a campground on the Georgia-Florida state line that takes us back in time to the days of Roy Rogers and the rugged individualism of the old west. In fact, the owner of Country Oaks, Lonnie Gay, is a bit of a throwback to those days when much of America romanticized the Cowboy Way.…

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A word about Christianity and politics

Many conservative Christians are upset about the Republican Party Platform softening its stance on abortion and sexual depravity. Some even have vowed not to vote in this year’s presidential election because they see no candidate that upholds the sanctity of life and marriage between a man and a woman. As Christians, are we so wrapped…

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