The American Chronicles: Coffee and eggs

Two people in front of Black Dog Coffee sign.

If an alien from outer space landed and just watched our 24/7 news channels, there would be an impression that America is one big city with a whole bunch of unfriendly mess going on. In fact, many people might get that idea. But there is still an America that is hometown, home grown, hospitable, friendly,…

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Anger, Accountability and the Word of God

Fragmented face expressing intense emotion.

Celebrities, politicians, news media and many people in American society are having a serious meltdown after Donald Trump’s presidential win. They are boiling over with fear and anger and are telling those who voted for Trump they are racists, bigots, fascists and worse. Some are threatening to leave the country. Others are encouraging women to…

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Stupidocrisy: Vote Shaming

Men discussing voting issues under banner.

Trump would end democracy. He would jail reporters. He would take revenge on his detractors. He would be a fascist dictator. If you vote for Trump you are racist. If you vote for Trump you are bigot. If you vote for Trump you are sexist. If you vote for Trump you are a homophobe. If…

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Let’s be blunt

Protesters holding signs about election integrity.

The aberration of Joe Biden’s “victory” in 2020 defies all previous elections and gives emphatic credence to Biden’s presidential election being stolen by the Democratic Party. The evidence is the 7-12 million missing votes from Biden’s election in 2020 to Kamal Harris’ defeat in 2024 as compared to every other presidential election this century. There…

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God’s hand of intervention

Hands open above an open book.

The struggle for freedom, godly and righteous freedom, is as old as humankind. In the beginning, God created a wonderful world, so much so that Genesis 1:31 ends with “And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” But then, like what we have seen in our own time,…

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The American Chronicles: Shepherdstown adventures

Couple with scooters and helmets near RV.

A quaint little college town, Shepherdstown, WV, is part of the ring of Civil War history centered around Harpers Ferry, WV, and the Maryland towns of Boonsboro, South Mountain, Antietam (Sharpsburg), Frederick and on up to Gettysburg, Pa. Throughout the area are great campgrounds and walking trails, including the famous Appalachian trail and the towpath…

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15 million missing votes

2020 U.S. electoral votes by state map.

The popular vote of the 2024 presidential election appear to confirm the truth of voter integrity theories in the 2020 presidential election. In 2020, Joe Biden received a record 81 million-plus votes while Donald Trump received 74 million votes. In 2024, Kamala Harris received 66+ million votes and Trump received 72+ million votes. There are…

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A new day

Smiling man in suit with red tie.

A lot of emotions are running through my mind as I sip on coffee from a cup Chris and I bought in Valley Forge with a sculpture of George Washington facing me. It is a reminder of my ancestors who overcame so much during the Revolutionary War to carve this great nation into being. It…

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The Choice of God

Wooden cross with text: "WWJD? What would Jesus do?"

The country is so deeply divided. People make all sorts of claims against those who don’t believe or think the way they think they should think or believe. There have been so many prayers and declarations and claims and counterclaims over this presidential election. And I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve…

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In the beginning

Text from the Book of Genesis.

There is a lot of controversy over the creation story. Theologists to scientists theorize on timing, methods, even evolution. But there is much we can learn from the Hebrew context starting with Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” From the first verse in the omniscient voice, the narrative says that God created, “bara” in…

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