80,737 meals to needy families and your assistance

Smiling woman and girl in casual setting.

By Pastor William Agbeti Revelation 3:20 says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” The practical manifestation of this scripture takes place in our Ministry every week in the…

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Stupidocrisy: The farse of election integrity

"Protect Your Ballot" graphic illustration.

Americans should be concerned about election integrity. If a citizen’s vote is frustrated by a rigged system, then “democracy” is no less a tyranny. There are three areas that will control whether your vote counts in the upcoming presidential election: Whether a state requires voter identification to vote; if voter rolls are up to date;…

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Political conundrums and sure things

Trump and Harris, 2024 Presidential Election promotion.

There is a historic political conundrum occurring in America. Against the backdrop of one of the most socialist takeovers of the executive branch in history resulting in tremendous failures in both domestic and foreign policy, the Democratic Party has chosen to dig in on presenting the most socialistic presidential ticket ever seen in America. Kamala…

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Of words and covenants

Ancient stone tablet on a mountain peak.

What is in a word? As followers of Christ, we know that Christ is the Word. The Bible is also the Word. The Hebrew word for “words” is Devarim. We call it Deuteronomy, which begins with “these are the words.” The book of Deuteronomy is structured in the model of a covenant represented by Moses’…

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The American Chronicles: A heritage tour

Driving together in a vehicle.

People often ask what they can do as something special to get away. Whether you are camping or just touring, a heritage tour might be fun. But make sure you don’t forget essentials. Last fall, we drove up the coast of New England. Kind of a heritage tour. We had finished church on time and…

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The battlefield of the mind

"Mind as battlefield: be its commander, not soldier."

The headlines these days are alarming. The world seems to be in a panic over the election and a possible recession. The narrative seems to be pointing toward economic, government, political, and social disruption. Disruption on all levels. There is no rest from disruption. It is so, because the media and the disrupters make it…

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Stupidocrisy: Believing the polls

2024 poll results: Trump vs. Harris close race.

In the wake of Joe Biden suspending his presidential campaign and Kamala Harris stepping in, everyone was wondering about the polls. Almost immediately, there appeared in the news a Reuters poll and one by Quinnipiac that showed Harris leading Trump. There were 13 other polls, according to Breitbart News, that indicated Trump was well head…

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Protectors of the Republic

Historical documents on a U.S. flag background.

We have seen a lot of political finger pointing recently about who is an existential threat to American democracy. Conservatives know that liberal Democrats seek larger, more powerful government in the socialist form. Conservatives generally prefer limited representative government. We have seen through lawfare being used against those who disagree with the Democrats that the…

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The promises we make

Red stamp with the phrase "Follow Through".

Anytime we promise to do or not do something, we are making a vow. It is important to follow through with it. For example, if parents don’t follow through on what they say they will do, children can get the idea that they can lie. When we don’t follow through on what we promise, it’s…

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The American Chronicles: Camping family style

Campfire gathering with tents in background.

One of the many joys of camping is spending time with family. My sister-and-brother-in-law, Cindy and Steve, host a family camping experience on steroids. That’s right. They live on the lake in Portage Lakes, Ohio. The front yard is the lake with majestic views of the water, a pontoon boat, fishing dock, kayaks, and yard…

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