Walking in peace amidst turmoil

There was a time when pageant contestants, in their interview portion, seemed to end with the goal of “world peace.” People want to say it, but do they really want to live it? Everywhere we look today, there is no peace. If people don’t get their way, they throw tantrums, burn buildings, shoot people, start…

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The American Chronicles: Museums in our lives

It has been suggested from time to time that our house is like a museum. We have a considerable amount of antiques. Most of them came to us as hand-me-downs from our family. There is an old spinning wheel that is from the colonial times. An organ that reportedly came over from Wales. Tables, chairs,…

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UN support of Hamas against Israel

Against the backdrop of the United Nations Human Rights Council calling for Israel to be held accountable for war crimes against humanity in Gaza, and the International Criminal Court seeking arrest warrants for Israeli officials accused of war crimes, the United Nations is aiding and abetting Hamas terrorists. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency…

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Stupidocrisy: Government censorship

Louisiana Democrats have taken an all-out offensive against any form of education that doesn’t align with their leftist agenda. The May 30 headline in the Picayune Times read: “Louisiana lawmakers slam education chief for partnering with right wing media group.” Democrat lawmakers took issue with PragerU’s and the Louisiana Department of Education’s partnership that counterbalances…

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The problem with hate speech

Google recently blacklisted from its app store PragerU for hate speech. Prager University Foundation is a 501(c)(3) educational organization that offers a free alternative to the dominant left-wing ideology in culture, media, and education. In its suspension notice, Google said, ”Your app contains content that doesn’t comply with the Hate Speech policy. Your app contains…

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Are you seen?

Almost everywhere you turn these days, somebody is whining about whether they are being “seen.” Woke culture makes sure it tells people “I see you. You are seen.” An article in Psychology Today says, “Feeling seen by others is a basic human need. Its basis is evolutionary: If your tribe didn’t see you, there was…

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The American Chronicles: Cave experience

Parallel parking a 25-ft RV is not the easiest task. But I’ve done it in Plymouth and Salem Massachusetts, Jim Thorpe, PA, Emerald Isle, NC and most recently, Luray, Va. We had stopped at a restaurant and kind of scoped out the small town. Waiters and Waitresses are usually good for local information. We asked…

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The drums of war

The Biden Administration’s foreign policy, like the Obama Administration’s, has made the world a much more dangerous place. Sending “humanitarian” aid to Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and the Houthis knowing full well that this aid is used for weapons, and unfreezing billions of dollars for Iran has resulted in a terrorist uprising and horrible war…

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Stupidocrisy: Iran pursues nukes at record pace

The United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is supposed to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorist-sponsoring nations like Iran. Associated Press has reviewed a not yet public report by the IAEA stating that Iran now has a stockpile of highly enriched uranium 30 times the limit of the Obama-Iran nuclear deal.…

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6/4 Biden scheming to oust Netanyahu?

Joe Biden and Ehud Barak in discussion.

Joe Biden may be scheming to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A recent series of meetings between Biden emissaries and opposition leaders in Israel indicates something more than just political differences is afoot. Biden and Netanyahu have publicly disagreed on the war on terror against Hamas. Biden has done what he can to frustrate…

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