Christian Nationalists

American flag with a wooden cross.

The news media, radical leftists and the Democratic Party are labeling conservative Christians as new Nazis. The direct term is “Christian Nationalists,” a radical brand of Christianity that is detrimental to the “state” because it believes the values of the Christian faith should be represented in government. Politico investigative reporter Heidi Przybyla said on February…

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Stupidocrisy: AOC and recreational sex

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaking closeup

One of the most absurd claims about bodily autonomy recently came from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), in an appearance on MSNBC’s February 23 edition of “Alex Wagner Tonight.” Having to string together what she said to make sense of it, Ocasio-Cortez was saying that Republicans want to ban abortion because they want to control “recreational…

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Prophetic Terrorist State with Nuclear Weapons

Four white missiles mounted on a launcher with multiple Iranian flags waving in the background against a clear sky.

Iran is a main Biblical prophetic player that comes against Israel, igniting a colossal end times battle prophesied in Ezekiel 38. Ezekiel 38:2 says, “…set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against them.” Magog, Meshech, Tubal are all located in what is now modern…

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Are you lit?

A single lit candle with a melting wax body against a dark background.

There is a whole lot of attention these days placed on whether you are “seen” or “heard.” The media, celebrities, even some preachers often talk about being seen and heard. An article on puts it this way: “If your tribe didn’t see you, there was a risk you’d be left behind when the nomadic…

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The American Chronicles: The smell of horses

A woman with short white hair interacts with two horses in separate images, smiling at one horse on the left and gently touching the face of another horse on the right.

A little over 20 years ago, Chris and I officially got out of the horse business. We had a small seven-acre farm in Maryland with five horses—all but one we raised from foals. The last winter there, we often had snow up to our knees. The barns, which were very nice, didn’t handle the extra…

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The apostasy and falling away

A line graph showing the rise in religiously unaffiliated U.S. adults from 2007 to 2023, reaching 28%. Data from Pew Research Center surveys.

The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians about a falling away ahead of the return of the Lord. He also says in 1 Timothy 4:1-2, “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having…

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Stupidocrisy: Bayer official sponsor of your heart

Black background with text: "Official Sponsor of Fans' Hearts" and Bayer logo. Website URL:

Twelve seconds into a montage of play by play announcing accompanied by visuals of fans with agony on their faces, the words “Heart attack risk can more than double when your home team plays.” This is followed by another 11 seconds of a montage of sports fans’ faces changing out against the backdrop of intense…

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2/20 Biden celebrating abortion

A woman with long blonde hair speaks directly to the camera in a video titled "Forced | Biden-Harris 2024." The caption at the bottom identifies her as Dr. Austin Dennard from Dallas, Texas.

Throughout the off-year state elections in Virginia, the Democratic Party saw that abortion was the big-ticket winner. The democrats pounded the airwaves characterizing their opponents as Trump anti-abortion extremists. Now Joe Biden is taking his political preborn killing strategy nationwide. Katie Cox, the woman who sued Texas so she could abort her baby has been…

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Are you “all in?”

A wooden background with various words related to giving written in different sizes and orientations, including "gift," "sharing," "faith," "blessing," and "offering.

How many times in your life did you feel you had to do something, but your “heart” just wasn’t in it? In coaching athletes, I have found that many young men and women have considerable talent, but it is not fully realized because they were not convinced that they had to exercise the whole of…

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The American Chronicles: The long walk home

Two men take a selfie in a stadium packed with fans, with a football field visible in the background, showing a large event.

Thanks to a wonderful day job, I often am able to attend major events like the Super Bowl. There are many wonderful people involved with sports like football. Leading up to these events are get-togethers celebrating the superb work that players, coaches and team owners do throughout the year in their communities. There are many…

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