Aid to Hamas and the Palestinian Authority must stop

Several armed individuals wearing green headbands and brown uniforms stand closely together. Their faces are covered with masks, and they are holding rifles. A flag with a symbol is partially visible.

The Democrats and the leftist world were livid when President Donald Trump announced August 24, 2018 that all aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) would be stopped. That meant that some $200 million per year that was stuffing the coffers of terrorists and terrorist sponsors would no longer be coming from the pockets of hard-working,…

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Stupidocrisy: Biden’s Thanksgiving without God

An official document titled "A Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day, 2023" from The White House, detailing the significance and history of Thanksgiving in the United States.

Joe Biden is exactly the type of politician and leader that this country doesn’t need and shouldn’t have. Despite destroying an excellent economy. Despite allowing an invasion across our borders of who knows what. Despite specific actions that has caused groceries and gasoline prices to soar to record levels of inflation. Despite paying lip service…

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The threat to you and your family

A table titled "Customs & Border Patrol Official Statistics" shows total criminal convictions from FY17 to FY24TD, categorized by various offenses such as assault, fraud, DUI, drug and weapon possession, and sexual offenses.

The Biden Administration’s open borders policy is a grave threat to national security. This is not just some nebulous big government “thing.” It is a threat to your life and the lives of your loved ones as confirmed by testimony of FBI director Christopher Wray, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and National Counterterrorism Director Christine…

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The ladder and you

A person sleeps while dreaming of a ladder reaching into the sky with figures ascending and descending.

There are many metaphors about ladders. We hear about how people climb the corporate ladder. There is the ladder to success. Some would say that if the ladder is not set against the right wall, every rung taken is closer to the wrong place. There is the ladder of knowledge. There is the economic ladder…

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The American Chronicles: Plymouth Visit Part 2

An elderly man stands in front of a rustic wooden house with a thatched roof. The caption reads, "Standing in front of Grandfather Bradford’s house.

It had been almost 60 years since my last visit to the site of the historic pilgrim settlement. Chris and I were excited to see the village and rediscover the history, knowing now what I didn’t know then—that I was descended from two Mayflower voyagers—William Bradford on my father’s side and Richard Warren on my…

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Sharing the truth of Thanksgiving

A group of people sitting around a long dining table, sharing a meal in a warmly lit room. Plates of food and glasses are on the table, and everyone is looking towards the camera.

In the days leading up to the first “Thanksgiving” of the Pilgrims, they had dispatched a group of ten men to “explore the bay and trade with the natives.” They were guided by the English-speaking Squanto, who also served as an interpreter. When the men returned, they were very impressed with the land around the…

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Thanksgiving Special: The pilgrim settlers and the Israelites

A handwritten passage in old English on aged paper, discussing a desire to understand ancient language and scripture. The text includes references to Moses and a longing to discern words from the holy texts.

Over the ages, there have been many parallels drawn between the United States and Israel. Close allies since the declaration of Israel as an independent state in 1948, America and Israel have shared economic, political and spiritual links. One of those commonalities dates back to the original Pilgrims who ventured across the Atlantic to escape…

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A time of reckoning ahead?

Cover of the book "Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel" by William Koenig, featuring an image of a serious-looking man in a suit and tie, with a backdrop of clouds and a shadowy figure.

In his book “Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel,” author and friend Bill Koenig draws the correlation that when the United States takes action to pressure Israel to divide her land major natural, economic or political disaster follows within 24-48 hours. He documents this phenomena over the last 30 years. It is…

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Are you a covenant keeper?

An open Bible showing pages with Genesis chapters 17 and 18, detailing God's covenant with Abraham and the promise of Sarah bearing a son. Text is in black print on white paper with thin columns.

The vicious attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel has divided many in this country and around the world. Israel is attacked and unspeakable atrocities were committed against its citizens by Hamas, yet much of the world, and some in the Christian church, side with Hamas. Let me be clear: there is no moral equivalence between…

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The American Chronicles: Plymouth Visit Part 1

On the left, a 1965 image of a woman and child on a ship. On the right, the same pair on a ship over 50 years later, now with a dog named Charlie.

When I was 10 years old, Mom and Dad took me out of school for a trip to all the New England states. One of the stops was Plymouth. I didn’t know it then, but they were giving me a history of my family as well as a lesson about what it means to be…

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