Gateway to the prophetic end times

Gateway to the prophetic end times  

Gaza is the greatest evidence that so-called “Palestinians” have no intention of ever living side by side in peace with Israel. In August, 2005, The Daily Jot reported: “It is the biggest and most successful propaganda and public relations campaign of the century. The world has come to believe that if only Israel will give up the land…

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The Farm Chronicles: Bullies in the schoolyard

A young boy

Growing up on a farm makes you tough. I suppose it’s like growing up in the city, but different. On the farm, we are faced with life and death every single day. Dealing with cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and what have you can place you in harm’s way in a split second. So you learn…

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Of insurrections and coups

On the eve of the civil war election  

Democrats in Congress are considering erecting a statue, complete with their narrative, honoring the Capitol Hill police officer that died during the “violent insurrection” of January 6. The officer, however, tragically died of natural causes, not because of the “violent rebellion.” To hear the extreme leftist media and Democratic Party leadership tell it, there was…

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Stupidocrisy: Paying people not to work

Unemployment Benefits Application Form

America always has been a capitalist economy, regulated to protect consumers and some businesses from corporate greed and graft. As the Democratic Party, led by extremist socialists, tries to remake America into a totally socialist economy, and establish itself as “Party for Life,” the rugged individualism of being “American” is the reality check, albeit not…

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Tic Toe the prophetic clock

Leader of Turkey

God’s prophetic time piece, Israel, is a mess. Reeling from COVID, failure to form a government, and violence from terrorist-inspired “Palestinians,” Israel’s turmoil could be a sign that the prophecy clock is accelerated. Each year around this time, the “Palestinians” start attacking Israel, and then when Israel defends itself with superior force, the “Palestinians” cry…

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No news is good news except when you know Good News

Children holding a book

There is an old saying that “no news is good news.” It can be taken several ways. That not hearing anything about a certain circumstance is good, or that, as in today’s headlines, no news can actually be good news. This is the story brought about by our ministry that is truly good news. It…

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The Farm Chronicles: The Sophomore Class

The Farm Chronicles: The Sophomore Class

There were a lot of landmark events in 1938. From The People History Archives: Minimum Hourly Rate of 25 cents, Seabiscuit beats War Admiral, Oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia, Germany begins persecution of Jews; the average cost of a new house was $3,900, average resale was $545. Gasoline was 10 cents a gallon. This…

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National Day of Prayer and beyond

National Day of Prayer and beyond

Every American President since Harry Truman has signed a proclamation for a National Day of Prayer–A day set aside for prayer and fasting for our nation. James 5:16 states: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Fervent prayer of a righteous man. And who is righteous? Romans 5:1 says, “Therefore being justified…

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Stupidocrisy: Doing more harm than good

Stupidocrisy: Doing more harm than good

There is perhaps an unintended lesson for all of us found in the national conversation of race. Georgia voting rights activist Stacey Abrams, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), and Marxist Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Khan-Cullers say they are civil rights activists. Yet foolish actions in recent weeks have harmed the very people they say they…

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Groupthink, communism and you

Groupthink, communism and you

We are all appalled when we read stories that China is further persecuting Christians by removing Bible Apps and Christian WeChat public accounts, but are we frogs in the water when it comes to what is happening here in this country? Here’s my point: There are very clear examples of Christian and Jew persecution by…

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