Ultimate Projection

Projection is accusing someone of what you have done, are doing or intend to do. Projection is the ultimate in US politics. As a political consultant in the 80s and 90s, there was one action that was consistent in every opposing candidate—accusing another of what that candidate was doing. For example, if a candidate accused his opponent of having an affair, it was a sure signal that the accuser was having an affair. If a candidate accused his opponent of financial maleficence, you can rest assured that the accuser was playing funny games with money. We have seen this play out on the presidential stage very clearly over the recent elections. And it is continuing today just days away from the election.

Remember when Hillary Clinton was accusing Donald Trump of colluding with Russia? Turns out that she was bilking millions from Russian interests through the Clinton Foundation, AND it was Clinton, Barack Obama and the Democratic Party that paid to have a false dossier on Trump to “prove” their claims. Or how about when Clinton accused Trump of not accepting the results of the election because he is a threat to democracy. But it was Clinton, not Trump, that legally contested the election results in 2016, channeling democrat Al Gore in 2000 and again in 2004 with John Kerry. The Democratic Party has a long history of legally challenging election results. Trump said he would challenge them if he saw there was a problem—and the democrats and news media turned that into Trump wanting to be a dictator.

Currently, with Democrat Kamala Harris underperforming, the leftist media outlet Axios is reporting that several key Democratic Party House of Representatives members are “considering” challenging the presidential election results if Trump wins. They cite that, unlike democrats, Trump republicans will not use “free, fair and honest means to secure a victory.” Axios reported: House Rules Committee Ranking Member Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), who also objected to Trump electors in 2017, said Democrats would certify a Trump victory “assuming everything goes the way we expect it to.” Those are almost the same words Trump used in his debate with Clinton, but the democrats and media skewered him for it.

The Washington Examiner reported October 11, “Election denialism, of course, has a long tradition in the Democratic Party. In fact, the last time members of the party did not attempt to prevent the certification of a Republican victory in the presidential election was in 1988, when Bush won a landslide against Michael Dukakis. So, it is of little surprise that party members are already laying the groundwork to object to another Trump presidency. However, Democrats have spent the last four years hysterically condemning Trump as a threat to democracy because he refused to concede the 2020 election.” You can see this is the ultimate projection lining up for after the election. As in 2 Timothy 3:13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” They will try to ensure a Harris victory, but if not…projection.




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Bill Wilson

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