Turkey and US move prophecy clock forward

Turkey’s dictator Tayyip Erdogan announced November 13 that the NATO country was cutting ties with Israel. This comes on the heels of the October 30 Biden Administration announcing another $336 million in taxpayer-funded aid to the 2.1 million “Palestinian” people in Gaza. Turkey is a major player in the apocalyptic Ezekiel 38 end time battle against Israel. The Biden Administration knows full well that “humanitarian” aid to Gaza is diverted to the terrorist group Hamas that runs the show in Gaza. These two recent events appear to move the end-time prophecy clock forward as Turkey appears to be making a move against Israel AND the US is trying to appease both terrorists and Israel. This will not end well.

By ending ties with Israel, Erdogan is signaling to Israel’s enemies, especially the terrorist sponsoring Iran, that Turkey is clearly against Israel and for a more radical approach to Middle East Affairs. While many NATO allies have tried to curtail Israel’s prosecution of it’s wars with Iran-sponsored terrorists, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and others, they have not severed ties with Israel. Erdogan’s move could signal a future alliance with Iran and other states sympathetic to the “Palestinian Cause,” which is the elimination of Israel and the death of all Jews. Erdogan has been a major critic of Israel and a significant supplier of “humanitarian” aid to the “Palestinians,” which means direct funding to Hamas terrorists.

Meanwhile, the Biden Administration, through its Office of Palestinian Affairs, said, “Today, the United States announced nearly $336 million in additional humanitarian assistance for the people of Gaza and the West Bank affected by the ongoing conflict, which has forced more than 1.9 million Palestinians from their homes and where more than 2.1 million face acute food insecurity…Today’s funding brings the total U.S. humanitarian assistance announced for the Palestinian people to more than $1 billion since October 2023.” This money rarely makes it into the hands of people in Gaza and is routinely reported to boost the Hamas terrorists in the same way money from Turkey aids the terrorists.

The antichrist figure “Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (v 38:3),” will lead a coalition of Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Magog, Gomer and Togarmah against Israel. Ancient history and maps confirm that Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Gomer and Togarmah are located in modern Turkey. Persia is modern Iran. Libya is Libya and Ethiopia is likely modern Sudan. For this coalition to come against Israel, Shiite Iran must submit to and unite with Sunni Turkey. Turkey and Iran are both scheming against Israel as prophesied. Even worse, a US president is collaborating with them behind the scenes while publicly saying he supports Israel. Another prophecy in Zechariah 12:9 comes to mind where the Lord says in the Day of the Lord, “I will seek to destroy all nations that come against Jerusalem.” Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem.






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Bill Wilson

