Top 2024 stories with prophetic implications

There were many stories throughout 2024 that had prophetic implications. It was a long year. A year where nefarious actors in government targeted citizens, especially Christians and Jews, with discriminatory legal and political acts. It was a year where the mainstream news media continued to propagate deceptive lies laced with a small bit of truth in an effort to shape public opinion on a variety of issues. They relentlessly droned on about such as climate change, abortion (in the name of women’s health rights), transgenderism, the rights of Palestinian terrorists, and the many evils of Donald Trump. Many stories had prophetic implications, following are the top four from The Daily Jot’s perspective.

Number 1: Israel. God’s prophetic timepiece is the land of Israel. Israel spent the year defending itself by ridding the world of terrorists in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Yemen. These modern nations all are part of the enemies that come against Israel in prophecy, leading to the return of Christ. The American news media, the Democratic Party, and the Biden Administration funded these terrorist entities with billions of dollars in “humanitarian” aid that is documented to having been used for terrorist acts against Israel. All the while, they were “mouthing” Israel’s right to defend herself. America’s place in prophecy, which is not mentioned in scripture, will be determined by its relationship to Israel. In Zechariah 12:9 the LORD says that in that day, “I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”

Number 2: Spirit of America. America experienced two national miracles in 2024. The first was the hand of God on president-to-be Donald Trump. An assassin’s bullet grazed his ear just as he turned his head, saving his life. The second was the hand of God on the presidential election. Americans stood in the gap and made up the hedge that this nation not be further destroyed by Marxist Democratic Party leadership. These two events shattered an evil principality over this country—shattered it, but it is not destroyed. The way ahead will not be easy and be forewarned that one mortal man cannot fix everything. We must do our part as Ephesians 6 people: “having done all, to stand” against the principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places.

Number 3: Human Trafficking. The government admits over 300,000 children are lost from the Democrat-planned open border policy. This helps feed sex trafficking and the porn industry. Actors, politicians, millionaires and billionaires are consumers of this horror show. It’s a $236 billion industry that is undergirded by technology and government policy. According to multiple sources, the United States is the number 1 consumer of human sex trafficking in the world. While the government has met “criteria” for fighting human trafficking, this is window dressing for what is actually being enabled by government policy. This is one of the most evil organized crime networks known to mankind. It is a human destroyer.

Number 4: Statism. From the Administrative State (non-elected laws, regulations and unconstitutional authority) to Marxist politicians disguised as defenders of democracy, the propaganda on behalf of statism flourished in 2024. Using lies such as climate control, national, state and local governments are shuttering businesses and taxing people to control the weather. It is a major redistribution of wealth. Add to that censorship about deviant sexual practices, Judeo-Christian beliefs, killing babies in the womb, socialist healthcare, outrageous government fines on businesses and FBI crackdowns in many areas, the perfect liberty of Christ is distant in the rearview mirror. Statism is government as God. It is part of the prophetic great falling away. As Christ said in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” It’s a “thing.”


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Bill Wilson

