The terrible deception

The Old Gray Lady, AKA, The New York Times, continues its downward spiral with fake news and editorializing passed off as news. It is now surfacing that the story the NYT wrote that the Bush family—the former president and his brother—were not going to vote for the reelection of President Trump is patently false, made up, fabricated. Speaking of the end of days, the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” Christ told his disciples in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” There is deception all around us. We are in the midst of deception, living in a post-truth world where facts and truth and justice have fallen in the streets.

When the NYT story broke, a myriad of other news organizations, including Drudge, The Hill, The Independent, The Week, the mainstream media television networks, and others parroted and discussed the Times story ad nauseum without checking a single fact. These so-called reputable news organizations failed to look into the flimsy sourcing by the NYT, which quoted unnamed sources who were “familiar” with how the Bush family thinks. Ignored in the virtual trash can, was a complete denial from spokesman for former president Bush, Freddy Ford, who told the Texas Tribune, “This is completely made up. He is retired from presidential politics and has not indicated how he will vote.”

As reported by The American Spectator, “Ford reiterated this statement to the Times, indicating that the former president would stay out of the election and speak only on policy issues, yet America’s “newspaper of record” has yet to correct the story.” A tweet from President Trump thanked George P. Bush for his endorsement posted by The Hill: “George P. Bush says he’ll vote for Trump: “Only thing standing between America and socialism.”” Quoting unnamed sources, and sources familiar with the situation, or knowledgeable sources may be OK for sports reporting, but it’s not a good optic for politics. If someone doesn’t want to put their name to it, it’s probably suspect.

The problem is that when a fake news story is published and many news outlets just cut and paste and post it, it becomes fact immediately. This is when the newness of the “news” is at its peak. It circulates and settles in the minds of those who read it or hear about it. Then days later when the facts come out, the facts have far less impact and are seen or believed by far less people, so the damage is done even if there is a retraction. This is why discernment is so desperately needed. It’s getting to the point that you cannot believe anything that you read from the news media, and probably not much of what you hear or see on television. These so-called “journalists” are liars and deceivers, deceiving and being deceived. Recognize the signs such as no named sources. Check things out for yourself.

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Bill Wilson

