The China example of US woes

It is alarming the amount of farmland near US military bases that communist Chinese entities have been allowed to purchase. Also concerning is the direct relationship between Chinese military expansion and the communist country’s trade surplus with the US. In October 2010, The Daily Jot reported that China holds trillions of dollars of US debt, has funded its military on a $200 billion plus a year trade deficit with the US, manipulates its currency, and assists all the enemies of America, including terrorists. This is not accounting for the millions of forced abortions, human rights violations and religious persecution perpetrated by China. Today, China has only expanded these practices.

In February 2007—that’s over 17 years ago—The Daily Jot reported that Chinese missile tests that attack low-orbit satellites were surprising to US military analysts, but the analysis from the Department of Defense and the US-China Economics and Security Review Commission suggested that China’s export policies may be facilitating US national security concerns. The analysts were concerned how China’s military exports migrate to rogue nations and non-state actors and, in turn are used against the United States, and how a fully modernized Chinese military, which has been fueled by surplus money from China’s export trade, negates the ability of the US to project its own foreign-policy agendas.

Meantime, the newly elected Democratic congressional leadership from the 2006 election cycle was very vocal that it did not believe US intelligence reports, that it agreed with Russian leader Vladimir Putin that America’s policies were making the world a more dangerous place, and that America should defer to diplomatic discussion and appeasement in the war on terror. That was then. Fast forward to today when the only thing that has changed is that things have gotten worse. It’s interesting that the same political party that was appeasing China and turning a blind eye to the Chinese communist threat is doing it on steroids today. Even worse, is that the Republican Party talks a more protectionist game, but does nothing little or nothing about it.

American leadership is signaling to the rest of the world that it has no will to defend itself at the same time its enemies are gearing up for a fight.  The soft underbelly of the United States is its lack of moral integrity. Once strong in knowing right from wrong, Americans have become morally lukewarm, infatuated with sex, homosexuality, abortion, and short-sighted selfishness, which has clouded its judgment as a nation as demonstrated by electing immoral leadership incapable of righteous decision-making.  The Lord said in Ezekiel 22:30, “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”  I ask, if not us, who?

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Bill Wilson

