The Biden poison pill

Would a current US president try to destroy the country to maintain power? A person may have to suspend all disbelief to accept such a dastardly act, but it appears that the current Administration is doing just that. Yes, it is all wrapped around the idea of “peaceful transfer of power,” but beyond that idea is the very reality that Joe Biden and his handlers appear to be taking the “poison pill” to disrupt the country so much that the will of the voters is totally undermined. Look at the picture: US missiles used against Russia, the rush to bring in as many illegal immigrants as possible before January 20, billions of dollars to terrorist groups under the guise of humanitarianism, last second judicial appointments.

The “poison pill” is a technique used in the corporate world to prevent a hostile takeover of a company. The owners of the company essentially destroy many of the assets of the company to make it completely unattractive for a takeover. Herein, Biden and the Democratic Party have been saying for four years that Donald Trump must be stopped at all costs. It appears by the actions of Biden and the democrats that they are doing everything in their power to undermine the country before Trump takes office. Their thirst for power is hidden behind the mirage of peaceful transfer and the belief that they are saving democracy in America. In short, the strategy appears to be destroy “democracy” to save it. What it really means is destroy the Republic in favor of their brand of socialist democracy, which is tyranny.

One has to suspend disbelief to believe that Biden would tip the scales toward involving the US in another world war just to create enough chaos to maintain or acquire more power. Yet the White House confirmed on November 21 that Biden still believes Trump is an existential threat to democracy. The long-game is that in four years, Democrats would be swept into power because of perceived failures of the Republicans. At the same time, they would keep a shadow’s distance from power and use all their resources to undermine the Trump agenda. They have stated such on several occasions, even going so far as to name cabinet members of a shadow government. Americans need to stand up against this evil plan. We cannot afford to take the actions since the election casually or we will end up in a deadly situation.

Saying that it is all media-inspired gaslighting and there is nothing to see here is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your life and the lives of your sons and daughters is at stake as we are merely pawns in a much larger game of global control. Many would say that the US must diminish in order to clear the way for the return of the Messiah. That’s not necessarily the case. There is no scripture to confirm that assumption. Whether that is true or not, what is our charge? Romans 12:21 exhorts, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” We are to speak boldly as we ought to speak in spreading the gospel and we are to do all and stand. To stand we must first understand. See with your eyes what is happening. Actions speak louder than words and Biden’s poison pill is putting all good people at risk.


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Bill Wilson

