Perception weighs heavily on accuracy. If a news organization is short on accuracy, it is likely because its perception of events is off balance. The public witnessed this first-hand throughout the COVID years with all the propaganda and lies about how the so-called virus was transmitted, prevented, and its danger. It was also seen through all the trials and attacks on Donald Trump that came to naught or were proven to be hoaxes. CNN was right in the center of reporting these falsehoods as facts. Moreover, CNN’s news people have become expert at disguising editorialization, political opinion and perception as news. They give their false perceptions as if they are fact, when in reality, they are deceived.
On February 26, CNN’s Kevin Liptak and Jeff Zeleny reported: “If anyone was still in doubt where the power lies in President Donald Trump’s new administration, Wednesday’s first Cabinet meeting made clear it wasn’t in the actual Cabinet. Most of the Senate-confirmed, top-ranking agency heads sat around the table mostly silent during the more than an hourlong meeting, even though some of them had come prepared to make brief remarks. Instead, it was the man in the dark coat, sitting in the shadow along the side of the room, whom Trump ceded the meeting to in its opening minutes. Elon Musk, the billionaire tasked with reforming the government, is now without question Trump’s most powerful adviser.” The story concluded that the cabinet meeting departed from what most presidents do and instead was “the Trump-Musk show.”
CNN alluded to quiet grumbling from Trump allies about “his brash tactics.” This was so obviously a leftist hit piece on Trump and Musk, disguised as news and fact. One need look no further than the actual read out of the cabinet meeting from the White House to see how far from the truth these CNN Marxists were wandering. Cabinet meets often have themes. And yes, like any other executive meeting of any corporation across the country, every attendee is prepared to speak, but often may not be called to do so. The efforts of Musk, who like all the other cabinet members Trump appointed to head a government department, are top of the priority in bringing some sanity to government. Of course, at the first cabinet meeting Musk would give an update. People listening to CNN would think that America is falling apart under Trump’s leadership.
CNN is trying to make Musk into some rogue Hitler figure that is only trying to use the government for his own enrichment. Quite frankly, that is exactly what the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens have been doing for decades. But it would seem that Musk, under the direction of Trump, is attempting to return the government to the people by eliminating waste, graft and corruption. This is a true threat to Marxist Democrats and so-called news media, whose power and livelihood depends on such corruption. Of course, their perception of what is right and just is far from truth. As is written in Isaiah 59:14 says, “For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter.” That, my friends, is true of CNN. Anyone who allows CNN to shape their perception is practicing, say it with me…Stupidocrisy.