Stupidocrisy: The fact checkers

As President Trump was signing rights-restoring executive orders, and working to reverse a government deeply invested in Marxism under the moniker of “democracy,” the mainstream news media was working overtime to “fact check” everything that Trump said. A review of news media sites like CNN indicated that every claim that Trump made was being fact checked and used as fodder to twist into threats to “democracy.” The media still sticks to the narrative of Jan 6 being an insurrection; that the 2020 election wasn’t rigged; that COVID serums were safe and effective, and so on. They even fact checked what Trump said about victory margins in certain states. Who fact checks the fact checkers?

One story actually said that there was no evidence of election fraud in California during the last presidential election. Of course, there was no evidence. If the law states that one cannot ask for a voter identification, there is no way a person can be accused of falsely voting. Dead people, illegals, criminals, all can vote whether they are eligible or not. If a name is on the voter roll, that person’s name can be used to represent a vote. It is open season on legal voting fraud. But the news media doesn’t think that way—either on purpose or from ignorance. The media just reports that Trump continues to falsely claim there is election fraud when there is no evidence of election fraud.

When Trump talks about preventing the government from lawfare, he is not only talking about what the Marxist machine did to him over the past decade, but also what they do to us as citizens. Government should be working for the people, not the other way around. Yet the news media continues to portray Trump as a criminal that was justly accused, tried and convicted of crimes. There is no mention of how the courts where judges and prosecutors were predisposed to the Marxist agenda were chosen to prosecute Trump. It has happened to pro-life advocates. It has happened to parents questioning schools on their transgender evangelism. The FBI falsely accused Trump and others on a myriad of so-called crimes. The media upholds the Marxist government in all these cases with their own set of facts.

It has gotten to the point that your freedoms—speech, religion, economic and parental—have been so under attack that these tyrannies have become normalized. When Trump says there are only two genders, one can hear a collective gasp. But the fact is, Genesis 5:2 says God “created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.” That’s the fact. But if you cross the Marxist media gaslighting, you will be labeled homophobic, or bigot. So here is my suggestion as an antidote to the fact checkers in the media. Print out Trump’s inaugural speech and keep it close to where you might listen to or watch news. And when these Marxists start fact checking, pull out that speech and read it again. You be the fact checker using common sense. Letting the media do it is, say it with me…Stupidocrisy.


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Bill Wilson

