Stupidocrisy: Elected Communism

There have been countless violent coups in various countries around the world where communist thugs have murdered leaders and taken control of governments. In fact, communism in the 1900s was responsible for over 100 million deaths. It’s one thing when people are overwhelmed with a brutal military force or anarchic revolution that establishes the dictatorial rule of communism. It’s yet another when a free people willingly go to the polls and vote in a communist regime. When that happens, there never has been a peaceful transfer of power replacing the communist system with a truly free democratic system. It’s kind of like taking the COVID shot. Once it’s in your body, you can’t get rid of it.9/4

This is going to be the case with the presidential election in America this fall. Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz are communists repackaged by the news media and their Democratic Party propagandists as “progressives.” They are bending over backwards trying to convince Americans that they are middle-of-the-road centrists that want to protect the little guy from those who would destroy democracy. Well, it’s their brand of democracy that should be destroyed. They are those who would pry open the lid to tyranny using the screwdriver with a democracy label on it. What these people stand for is a redistribution of wealth—your wealth to their own and their cronies. It can only result in the common American falling prey to totalitarianism.

We can point to all the social craziness that these folks support—killing babies in the womb and calling it reproductive health; mainstreaming sodomy and calling it LGBTQ+ rights; grooming children by confusing them on their gender identity and calling it transgender rights; demonizing Christians and Jews and calling it religious freedom; calling for the extermination of the Jewish race by terrorists and calling it humanitarian Palestinian rights. You look at these policies that are written in Harris-Walz Democratic Party platform. They are nothing but the intentional destruction of the fabric of society. This is a destruction of the American ideal rebranded into words that make people think they are just and right.

Along comes the Harris-Walz tax policy proposal—90 more taxes—even taxing people on “unrealized gains.” This is a tax on assets’ values. Adam Michel, Director of Tax Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, says, the Harris tax proposal “is not just an attack on the wealthy; it’s an assault on investment, innovation, and economic growth, risking widespread economic damage that will be felt across the entire economy. And it is just the tip of the iceberg—it’s one of more than 90 proposed tax increases and other changes that target the engine of American prosperity.” It’s communism. And voting it in is irreversible. It will make you a slave. Galatians 5:1 says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Electing communism is a heavy yoke. Say it with me, it’s…Stupidocrisy.


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Bill Wilson

