Stupidocrisy: COVID Vax Christmas

I was in my football bliss watching games on Saturday last when what to my wondering eyes would appear was a big pharma ad for a COVID vax tying it to Christmas cheer! My immediate impression was that big pharma was trying to get people to show their loved ones that they really cared for them by getting a COVID vax for Christmas. It was a shock to my system. It passed by so quickly on the TV screen that there wasn’t time for it to register. Since then, I’ve been trying to find it on the internet because I thought I saw a disclaimer about how taking the vax could lead to certain heart conditions like myocarditis and pericarditis…be sure to ask your doctor to see if it is right for you.

After an extensive search on the internet, the holiday spot for Pfizer was found. I had really thought the ad I saw was from Moderna, but can’t seem to find it anywhere. The Pfizer holiday ad is 30 seconds and it’s called, “Holidays: Moments Like These.” It consists of powerful images of smiling faces, family hugs, an elderly woman joyfully dancing, football games, pumpkin pie, family gatherings, various Christmas trees and decorations, babies smiling, and folks using sparklers. All very upbeat with voices celebrating to an inspiring drumbeat in the background. It’s tagged with “Moments like these matter. Talk to your doctor and schedule the respiratory vaccines you may need from Pfizer.” Then it highlights COVID-19, RSV, and Pneumococcal Pneumonia.

While everyone in the family asks what I want for Christmas, it never dawned on me that I should want to ensure more “Moments like These” and rush out to get a COVID vaccine. Just what moments are Pfizer and other COVID vax peddlers wanting us to savor? Sudden death? Heart disease? Blood clots? Autoimmune deficiencies? Respiratory illness? There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of studies by reputable and peer-reviewed researchers that warn of the very dangerous side effects from receiving the mRNA COVID vaccines. Yet, while the Centers for Disease Control list these risks on its website one by one, it continues to say it will monitor and evaluate adverse reports. CDC concludes, “The benefits of COVID-19 vaccination continue to outweigh any potential risks.”

But we all know that the CDC, the FDA and the federal government have been lying about these vaccines all along. They twist their words and develop carefully-stated propaganda to get you to put this poison in your body. They use fear as a weapon. Now they are using holiday cheer to make you think that you should rush out and get COVID vaxxed as part of the  holiday spirit. 2 Timothy 3:13 says, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” Pfizer, Moderna, Fauci, the CDC, the FDA—it’s a long list of Christmas deceivers. Sadly, there will be a lot of people rush out to get their jab so they can spend more moments like those depicted in the ads. The reality may not measure up. Christmas is not about COVID. Trying to make it so is…say it with me…Stupidocrisy.


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Bill Wilson

