Stupidocrisy: Allstate CEO post-terror lecture

The Sugar Bowl game between Notre Dame and Georgia was postponed a day because of the Islamic terror attack on New Orleans. Before the game began, Allstate CEO Tom Wilson (no known relation to me) addressed viewers with one of the most insulting and stupid monologues ever presented in the wake of such a horrible event. Wilson said that Americans were addicted to divisiveness and lectured viewers on the need to accept people’s imperfections and differences. In watching this little speech, delivered with alligator-tear sincerity, I had to suspend my disbelief to process the tone-deaf remarks of Mr. Wilson and wonder how a company like Allstate could allow such a mischaracterization of Americans.

Wilson said, “Welcome to the All State Sugar Bowl. Wednesday tragedy struck the New Orleans community. Our prayers are with the victims and their families. We also need to be stronger together by overcoming an addiction to divisiveness and negativity. Join Allstate working in local communities all across America to amplify the positive, increase trust, and accept people’s imperfections and differences. Together we win.” My best take on this is that it was hastily put together without examining how the words Wilson used would be received by the American public, who was stunned by yet another bloody attack on innocent civilians by a representative of the “religion of peace.” But it’s difficult to give him the benefit of the doubt when he is lecturing all of us on our addiction to divisiveness and negativity.

Maybe Wilson meant that radical extremist savages imbedded in Islam are the ones addicted to divisiveness and negativity and refuse to trust and accept people’s imperfections and differences. If he did mean that, it sure didn’t come across. It came across as a tone-deaf lecture that Americans, who had just been targeted by a ruthless evil barbarian on behalf of a death cult, should be more accepting of those who wish to destroy America and kill every man, woman and child who disagrees with their medieval nonsense. Maybe we should set up Allstate-sponsored “acceptance” arenas where Islamists are invited to come in and get their aggressions out on unsuspecting people thinking they are attending a mental health fair.

After the uproar, Allstate issued a clarification, saying: “To be clear, Allstate CEO Tom Wilson unequivocally condemns this heinous act of terrorism and violence in all forms. We stand with the families of the victims, their loved ones and the community of New Orleans. The reference to overcoming divisiveness and negativity reflects a broader commitment to fostering trust and positivity in communities across the nation.” So I guess he did mean what he originally said. We are all still divisive, negative, and intolerant of people that want to kill us. Proverbs 18:7 says, “A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are the snare of his soul.” Wilson stepped in a deep cesspool with his foolishness. Not even the “good hands people” could pull him out with a “clarification.” Projecting blame on innocents for murderous acts is, say it with me, Stupidocrisy.


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Bill Wilson

