Stupidocrisy: Allowing Ideological Subversion

As America’s children return to government schools across the country, parents and grandparents must understand ideological subversion so they can stand against it. In a 1984 interview, former Soviet KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov, who defected in 1970, said that by 1970 the Soviet Union already had infiltrated the US through brainwashing left-leaning people in the news media, entertainment, politics, business, education, and religion. He explained how ideological subversion was designed to change the perception of reality of every American so “no one is able to come to sensible conclusions” to defend themselves, their families, and their country. Sadly, this is rampant in America’s public schools.

Bezmenov said there are four stages of ideological subversion. The first stage, demoralization, which takes 15-30 years according to Bezmenov, was completed before 1985. The second stage, also completed, is destabilization. This is where people destabilize the entire nation through actions that are counter to common sense and sound practices. The third stage is creating crisis. And the fourth stage is normalization. Bezmenov said that the leftists that help create these stages are the first to be executed by a communist dictatorship because once they find out they have perpetrated a lie, they become the most ardent opposition. Those who stand against communism by warning others are also executed.

Bezmenov said that the Soviets used brainwashed leftists to teach Marxism-Leninism ideology to several generations of American students. He said that these teachings included feminism, sexual liberation, hedonism, anti-war sentiments, liberation theology, and globalism. He said these students are now the people who are the business, religious, political, educational, media, and entertainment leaders of American society. He said, “You are stuck with them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli…You cannot change their mind, even if you expose them to authentic information…the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible.”

To reverse this process, Bezmenov said writing letters will not work. He said, “There must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of real patriotism, number one. Number two, to explain to them the real danger of socialist, communist, welfare state, big brother government…The moment at least part of the United States population is convinced that the danger is real, they have to force their government…to stop aiding communism.” I will add another way to reverse the process: Mark 16:15, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” And Ephesians 6:20, “…that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.”  Parents must see this clearly and act decisively…anything less is, say it with me…Stupidocrisy.

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Bill Wilson

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