Prophetic considerations of the Iran attack on Israel

The recent Iranian attack on Israel was certainly a prophetic moment. One of the infamous end time players, the terrorist state of Iran, launched a historic attack on Israel. Thanks to Israeli defenses, the attack didn’t succeed. Have no doubt: Iran’s, and its allies who joined in the attack, stated mission is to wipe Israel from the face of the earth. The attack demonstrated that Iran’s military capabilities are not what Iran, at least, thinks they are, and Israel’s defenses are better than expected. It also shows that end time players are now emboldened to directly attack Israel, possibly from the incredibly weak US leadership that no longer stands in the gap of deterrence. And this also has prophetic implications.

Many from the prophetic side will point to Ezekiel 38. Ezekiel 38:2 says, “…set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against them.” Magog, Meshech, Tubal are all located in what is now modern Turkey. Verse 5 says, “Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them…” Later it mentions Gomer, Togarmah, Sheba and Dedan. This was not the Ezekiel 38 end time battle. It lacked direct participation from many of the players, notably Meshech, Tubal and Magog in Turkey as well as Libya, and Saudi Arabia. Likewise, this is not the Psalm 83 war because it also lacks players such as Edom (modern day Jordan). In fact, Jordan came to Israel’s aid during the attack.

Another prophetic consideration is America’s role in this attack. In Genesis 12:3, the LORD’s promise about the great nation of Israel is: “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curses thee.” While the US President said he will stand with Israel against any Iranian attack, he also said he will not support Israeli retaliation. This is double-mindedness because it is saying that the US government will stand with Israel in defense, but will not tolerate Israel fighting back—a signal to the terrorists that they have a green light to attack without fear of retaliation. In fact, it can be argued that Iran would not have dared such an attack if Joe Biden and Barack Obama before him had not unfroze and paid billions of dollars to the terrorist state that it used to build its arsenal. They did the same with Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.

We know there will be a major attack on Israel that leads to the seven-year peace agreement that starts the beginning of Jacob’s Troubles (commonly referred to as the Tribulation). Certainly, the bold Iranian attack could result in greater attacks which could lead to the end time scenario. Moreover, American citizens should brace themselves for the possible consequences of their leadership funding Iran and terrorist groups like Hamas and the Houthis against Israel. We are seeing the ramifications of claiming support for Israel while funding Israel’s enemies with “humanitarian aid” that is really being used to attack Israel. These are pieces of the end-time prophetic puzzle and they are playing out before our very eyes. Prepare. Practice discernment. Pray.

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Bill Wilson

