Political conundrums and sure things

There is a historic political conundrum occurring in America. Against the backdrop of one of the most socialist takeovers of the executive branch in history resulting in tremendous failures in both domestic and foreign policy, the Democratic Party has chosen to dig in on presenting the most socialistic presidential ticket ever seen in America. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz would have been considered communists in the 1950s. Now they are repackaged at progressives. Their positions on key issues are proven failures and border on nonsense. A major political party in any country does not allow this type of presidential ticket going forward unless it is banking on a specific outcome. Beware of the deception ahead.

Harris-Walz by any normal political standard is a losing ticket. In any given year, this ticket would be considered a laughing stock. But this is no “given year.” There will be about 40% of voters who will vote for Harris-Walz just because they are Democrats. There also will be a single digit percentage that will vote for the ticket because they represent a considerably growing segment of mentally ill people. The Democrats have also chosen their side in the Israel vs Palestinian terrorist issue with Walz, hoping to get more Muslim vote than losing Jewish votes. When you get right down to the nuts and bolts of this ticket, it could very well win just based on the socialist—mental ill—Islamic coalition it cobbles together.

Couple this with a very progressive news media and propaganda effort that continuously feeds negativity, hate, and disruption instigated by the radical left and blamed on Christians and conservatives. Indeed, the ongoing provision of illegal immigrants getting drivers licenses and registering to vote will also have an impact. Whether they are eligible to vote is in-material. They can vote and get away with it if there is no accountability. We have seen this before, right? There are still states that allow ballot-stuffing through mail-ins without any voter identification. We can’t forget that the Democrats fight it in court any purging of dead people from the voter rolls. There is a reason for that, and it’s not about discrimination.

A question worth asking is why would the Democratic Party put up this ticket? Are they just willing to accept the loss and hope for the best on the down-ballot candidates? Or are they so confident that they can continue their Marxist revolution and win this? Yes, Donald Trump should tramp all over this ticket, but in politics everything happens for a reason. As 2 Timothy 3:13 warns, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” We must remain vigilant in both prayer and action, praying unceasingly that the Lord spare our nation from the consequences of bad leadership. And we must not be lax in getting out to vote. There is no sure thing in politics these days.

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Bill Wilson

