More Biden corruption revealed

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is compromised because of he and his son’s influence peddling with China and other countries, according to former business partner Tony Bobulinski’s new revelations made on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight. Bobulinski also revealed that Biden’s son Hunter “represented” the Chinese energy company, CEFC, in brokering a 14% stake in the Russian state oil company Rosneft to assist the company in identifying new markets as relations with the west were deteriorating. The deal fell through because CEFC wanted a far too large stake in the Russian company. These revelations indicate just how intricate the Biden dealings were with China and Russia.

According to Bobulinski, he met with Joe Biden to “discuss what I was doing with his family’s name and the Chinese.” He said, “Hunter introduced me as, this is Tony, dad, the individual I told you about that’s helping us with the business that we’re working on and the Chinese.” Bobulinski told Tucker Carlson that the meeting was scheduled at the request of the Biden’s, it was “crystal clear” that Hunter had informed Joe about the business dealings, and Joe Biden’s recent statements that he didn’t know about nor discuss his son’s business dealings is “a blatant lie.” In addition, Biden’s brother Jim told Bobulinski that the political risk posed by the Biden’s enrichment scheme was mitigated by, what he called, “plausible deniability.”

Bobulinski said, “After I met with Joe Biden the morning of May 3 at the Milken Conference, and then was taken backstage after Joe had spoken, we joked around for about 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and then I walked him out to his car….And then after that, I went over to the Peninsula Hotel and I sat with Jim Biden for two hours, where Jim Biden walked through his history, in his own words, stating all the work and effort he did to get Joe Biden elected initially in Delaware and then through the family history and the role that he had played in it… And I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying, how are you guys getting away with this? Aren’t you concerned? And he looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said, plausible deniability.”

The facts surrounding this corruption come from at least four sources: 1) Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee and the Senate Committee on Finance investigation; 2) Hunter Biden’s laptop; 3) Hunter Biden’s former business partner Bevan Cooney, who is serving time for the very business dealings Hunter and he did; and 4) Bobulinski’s emails and eyewitness accounts. These are four independent sources saying that Joe Biden is a compromised candidate. He cannot possibly represent America’s interests without being leveraged by Russia, Ukraine and China. It’s like God telling Ezekiel to dig into the temple wall and in Ezekiel 8:9, “Go in, and see the wicked abominations which they are doing here.” The more that people dig, the more we are finding that Joe Biden and his family are horribly corrupt.

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Bill Wilson

