Rural Africa Outreach

A week’s ration of food means life

Realities of Life and Death

We are so blessed to live in America. Yes, there is great division. And there are challenges that we face ...
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To Quit Or To Stay: A missionary’s Dilemma

To Quit Or To Stay: A missionary’s Dilemma

NOTE: I received a call on Sunday, July 11, from a Ghanian number unknown to me. I cautiously answered and ...
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What’s your mission?

What’s your mission?

The other day, I was looking through my old passport. There is this stamp in here where I disembarked 17 ...
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Modern day Martyrs and Ambassadors

Many an eyebrow is raised when we in America see the government shut down churches because of COVID, or when ...
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Love knows no boundaries

Love knows no boundaries

On our free foodstuffs distribution program the week of May 30, we did something differently. In order for the 32 ...
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Children holding a book

No news is good news except when you know Good News

There is an old saying that “no news is good news.” It can be taken several ways. That not hearing ...
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Children from underserved rural areas of Ghana presented with meals for a week

Passover, Easter, Resurrection Day, Your Heart

Every year there are a rash of television programs depicting various aspects of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Christ ...
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Food packaged and delivered, bringing hope to many  

The Third World War

In America, many are struggling with the very real threat of socialist expansion. Day in and day out, we are ...
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4,000 Fed

4,000 Fed

By Pastor William Agbeti and Bill Wilson Each week Pastor William Agbeti sends me pictures of those whom our ministry ...
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The aftermath of Islamic Topsoil Harvesting

Persecution Road

The Boko Haram terrorist organization and, more specifically, Fulani nomadic tribesmen, are Islamic terrorists that roam through Nigeria and other ...
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