Stupidocrisy: Super-autopen it

Those who complain and accuse the loudest about threats to “democracy” are, in reality, the biggest threats to the Constitutional Republic. Case in point is the latest autopen revelation about Joe Biden. The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project investigated “every document we could find with Biden’s signature over the course of his presidency. All used the same autopen signature except for the announcement that the former President was dropping out of the race last year.” Think about that for a moment in the ongoing context of when Biden was “elected” to office. In 2020, there were numerous accounts Democrats stuffing ballot boxes and failures in election security. All were vehemently denied and ridiculed.

But a historic comparison of election results just in this century indicates that Biden was the record-setter in votes. Biden, who barely mounted a public campaign in a COVID hindered environment, received 17 million more votes than the average voter totals of Bush, Obama, and Trump (64.1 million) for this century. Trump and Harris combined for about 143 million votes, which would be an 88.5% turnout. The turnout is unofficially 22 points higher than it was with Trump vs Biden. Yet Biden polled 7 million more than Trump in 2020, about 7 million more than Trump in 2024, and 12.2 million more than Harris. The unanswerable question is where are the 7-12 million votes that comprised the base at 66% 2020 turnout compared with the higher turnout for 2024? The only explanation is that there was a cheat.

Fast forward to the Heritage Foundation uncovering that Biden didn’t sign presidential actions. They were signed by autopen. The media response is priceless. Nothing to see here. Newsweek, for example, blamed it on MAGA Republicans. In a March 10 article, Newsweek opined, “The MAGA community is furious over reports that former President Joe Biden used an autopen—a mechanical device that replicates signatures—to sign several official White House documents during his time in office.” No, AMERICANS are concerned that an autopen was used to the vast MAJORITY of official White House documents—that’s a lot more than “several.” Who controlled the country—those who were in charge of the autopen. It is no leap that those cheated the election also ran the function of the presidency. So who is the threat to the country?

Missouri Attorney General Anthony Bailey, calling on the Justice Department to investigate, said “it appears staffers and officers in the Biden administration may have exploited Biden’s incapacity so they could issue orders without an accountable President of sound mind approving them. That would explain why the Biden administration’s orders were aggressively much farther to the left than any previous President. If in fact Biden’s staffers were exploiting his mental decline, those orders are null and void.” Isaiah 57:4 asks, “Whom are you mocking? At whom do you sneer and stick out your tongue? Are you not children of rebellion, offspring of deceit…” The Democrats thought they committed a coup and they super-autopenned their extreme agenda into reality. The evidence is piling up. Believing them and the media is, say it with me…Stupidocrisy.


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Bill Wilson

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