Special Report: Main Takeaway of Trump Speech

President Trump’s speech to Congress told us a lot about the condition of the nation. The actions of the evening demonstrated clearly that the Democratic Party is more than just the loyal opposition, it’s concept of democracy is deeply anti-American. President Trump said at one point in his speech, “I look at the Democrats in front of me, and I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud, nothing I can do…these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements. They won’t do it no matter what, five, five times I’ve been up here. It’s very sad, and it just shouldn’t be this way.” And so it was.

The Democrats tried to disrupt the speech. They held up little signs that said “Save Medicare,” “False,” and “Musk Steals.” Some left the speech wearing T-shirts with “Resist” printed on the back. They did not applaud. They sat stoically as the President enumerated his agenda, showing no support whatsoever. From their behavior, their stance is undeniable. They are against protecting women’s sports from male competition, lower taxes, Americans joining the military, defeating inflation, holding government accountable to waste and fraud, bringing jobs back to America, border security, peace in Ukraine, waging war on drug cartels, ending sexual mutilation of America’s youth, and the list goes on and on. According to the way the Democrats behaved, they are the party that is against what is good and right for America.

Polls are showing that over 70% of speech watchers approved and about 24% disapproved. News sites such as Breitbart and Fox hailed the speech as “Colossal,” “Very Positive,” and “Phenomenal.” Veteran Fox News reporter Brit Hume described the speech saying, “If you ever doubted that Donald Trump is the political colossus of our time and our nation, this night and this speech should have put that to rest.” But the Marxist left news media had an entirely different view. CNN twisted the poll numbers by saying the speech received “modestly positive marks” and “only” 70% approved. CNN did its own fact-check, concluding that the president’s remarks needed more context. CNN said the President “dug in on his divisive agenda” and that “America’s political chasm has never looked so bleak.”

Anyone claiming to be an American should be ashamed, offended, and appalled at the Democratic Party’s behavior. This speech should be a wake up call on just how deranged the Democratic Party has become and the depth to which the Marxist news media misleads. As Trump asked during his speech, “For just this one night, why not join us in celebrating so many incredible wins for America? For the good of our nation? Let’s work together and let’s truly make America great again.” Christ said in Mark 3:24, “And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom is not able to stand.” This Marxist-style resistance by the Democratic Party is bad for our country. They won’t even work with people who disagree with them to get the best for America. Additionally, the Marxist media is doing its best to deceive everyone. Be alert. Pray. Act.

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Bill Wilson

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