Stupidocrisy: Feeding the Iran terror machine

Ever wonder how terrorists such as Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, the Houthis and probably about a dozen other terrorist groups the weapons they use against Israeli civilians? Ever think about how all this escalation in terror activity against Israel came about under the Biden-Harris Administration, but was a low tide during the Trump presidency? These are fair questions that should be answered and play a significant role in the upcoming presidential election, but people are so wrapped around the “poor Palestinian” axel that they can’t see the truth that has resulted in the genocidal and populist chant the world keeps repeating, “from the river to the sea.”  The US government actually has the answer.

The US Energy Information Administration is required by law to submit a report describing Iran’s petroleum exports to Congress. The report clearly demonstrates that after reaching a low of $16 billion in exports of oil and oil products under the Trump sanctions in 2020, Iran’s petro dollars made a dramatic, perhaps historic increase when the Biden-Harris Administration lifted the Trump sanctions. During Biden-Harris, Iran’s petroleum export sales increased more than three hundred percent from Trump’s $16 billion in 2020 to Biden-Harris’ $37 billion, $54 billion and $53 billion from 2021 through 2023. The report said that in November 2018, the US officially reimposed all the sanctions that were lifted in the Obama 2015 nuclear deal and by May 2019, Iran was under complete sanctions on oil exports.

When Biden-Harris came into office, those sanctions were lifted. According to Breitbart News, Iran made “$144 billion in revenue during the first three years of the Biden-Harris administration. This includes $37 billion in 2021, significantly up from the $16 billion Tehran made in 2020, the last year of the Trump administration. Oil revenue rose to $54 billion in 2022 and hit $53 billion in 2023, showing that Tehran’s trade in crude remained at historically high levels. Iran is on pace for another big year in 2024, exporting more than $34 billion in oil through October.” This and the hundreds of billions of dollars Biden-Harris unfroze in Iranian assets lined the pockets of the world’s foremost sponsor of terror and Israeli genocide.

Haaretz of Israel reported October 15 that “since the Hamas attack of October 7, Israel has recorded over 28,000 alerts warning of imminent rocket, missile or drone attacks from Gaza, Lebanon, Iran Yemen, Iraq and Syria.” The number of missiles, drones, and rockets associated with those alerts are in the hundreds of thousands. This war against the citizens of Israel was made possible in a large part by the Biden-Harris lifting of sanctions against Iran, providing billions of dollars for Iran to fund the terrorists against Israel. Genesis 12:3 says of Israel, “I will bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you.” Surely, Iran and the terrorists will have their reward, and those behind the scenes that facilitated it are also responsible. Siding with terrorists is horrible. Voting to keep those who fed the terror machine in office is, say it with me, Stupidocrisy.


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Bill Wilson

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