Feeding the 500

October 6 was a landmark day for hundreds of children in the West African nation of Togo. One cannot imagine the impact of hunger. Just one meal can make a difference in a youngster’s life, especially when they come for a meal and leave with eternal salvation. This is the amazing story of feeding the multitudes with food and the bread of life. Pastor William Agbeti writes:

“We registered 270 children for a feeding program in Togo on October 6, 2024. We ended up serving 400 children, but 500 turned up!  The extra 130 meals that raised the number to 400 food packs served was our anticipation and preparedness for the normal eventuality of having more children turn up for our food distribution. The extra 230 that actually came, making it almost 100% excess response, reflects a critical need on the ground. As early as 8 am, the children started pouring in for the free packed meals scheduled for distribution at 12 noon. They formed the longest line for food that we had ever seen in Ministry.

“To our amazement, many adults also queued up and we had to separate them to form another line. The scorching sun was no bother to anyone, as they stood and inched their way to the service area to receive their meals in the sun. When the last meal of 400 packs was given out, we still had dozens of children and adults to serve; but there was no more food left! In 31 years of active ministry, we thought we had seen it all – the poorest of the poor, the most underserved communities, the most vulnerable group, parents fighting their children over food – but this October 6 program came as a big punch to shatter long-held thoughts about poverty.

“When you see a whole community of children file up for food in a line several meters long, this not only presents a shocking spectacle; it also becomes heartbreaking! At the end of it all, many parents approached us to ask: “When are you coming back again?” Matthew 19:14-15 paints a perfect picture of the solution to what we need to do in our bid to address what we experienced: “But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.”

“We are to bring little children to Christ and serve them! The hands that Jesus laid on the children during his ministry, is still working for the children of today. Let us all continue to serve children in multiple ways. October 6 will undoubtedly go into the annals of the history of Togo as the day a great seed was sowed for the harvesting and establishing of children into the Kingdom of God! All 400-500 children have received Christ!

Bill Wilson

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