Dems and media turn up assassination dog whistle

After two assassination attempts on former president Donald Trump, one would think that Democratic Party mouthpieces and the media would tone down the hate speech rhetoric. Not the case. On September 25’s MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said in reference to Trump, “Let’s extinguish [Trump] for good…Let’s just get it done.” Long-time Democratic Party consultant/pundit James Carville said in a September 27 Youtube video that Trump is inhuman. Joe Biden said on a September 25 episode of “The View” that Trump doesn’t have a “lot of social redeeming value,” likened him as a terrorist to world leaders, and mimicked smashing Trump like a bug.

Seemingly to want to ensure the audience that Raimondo didn’t mean Trump should be assassinated, Co-Host Mika Brzezinski asked her to clarify. Then Raimondo said, ““Vote him out. Banish him from American politics, yes. Just vote him out so that he goes away. [Vice President Kamala Harris’] new way forward, her vision, let’s turn the page on his chaos and craziness, vindictiveness, wrongheaded economic strategy, hatred towards women, and move forward.” Raimondo’s remarks were prefaced by a tirade on Trump’s abortion policy, essentially saying that Trump deserved death for trying to save the lives of the unborn, obviously cloaked in the Democratic Party’s dog whistle terms for murdering children in the womb under the name of “women’s healthcare.”

Carville said, “I think humans, just as a result of their humanity, have some brand of some expectation that they’ll be treated as human beings … I guess Trump is human in one sense, in another sense he’s not. I really think he is such an odious and despicable man that he should not be accorded the most basic courtesies that one human being would extend to another human being. I think he is a grotesque, immoral man who is incapable of understanding anything or anybody that’s not him.” Biden said about the same thing on the View. Whoopi Goldberg told Biden, “He (Trump) was like a bug. He just kept being there, he was like a bug right there, bzzzz.” And Biden smashed the imaginary bug where Whoopi pointed. People actually applauded. This kind of hate speech, is a dog whistle to those who psychologically take these Democratic Party leaders seriously.

They demonize Trump for calling them names. Like it or not, name calling has been a part of politics since the beginning of politics. What is new to American politics is Democratic Party leaders dog whistling for people to assassinate the former president. Interesting that the Commerce Secretary, a prominent Democrat political consultant, a major Hollywood personality, and the current US president all said similar things within 48 hours of each other. Interesting that the media amplified it. Seems like they are all reading off the same script. Christians–understand the satanic hold here. As Ephesians 6:12 says, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” The Democratic Party leadership is the earthly manifestation of this spiritual evil. Take heed and discern this darkness.


Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo Says Trump Should Be ‘Extinguished’ After Second Assassination Attempt | The Daily Caller

‘Rotten Mothaf*cka’: James Carville Says Trump’s Not Fulliny ‘Human’ Less Than 2 Weeks After Assassination Attempt | The Daily Caller

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Bill Wilson

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