GAO: Biden Admin made $764+ billion in improper payments

The Government Accounting Office (GAO) reported March 26 that the Biden Administration has made over $764 BILLION in IMPROPER PAYMENTS—your tax dollars that should not have been paid to somebody and it is unknown where much of the money went. GAO said, “In FY 2023 alone, federal agencies made $236 billion in improper payments.” This amount does not include Department of Health and Human Services’ Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, admittedly “a program that is susceptible to significant improper payments.” GAO said the government-wide estimate potentially does not represent the full extent of improper payments.”

The report said, “For fiscal year 2023, 14 agencies reported a total estimated $236 billion in improper payments across 71 programs. Agencies reported that about $175 billion (over 74 percent) of this total was the result of overpayments. About $186 billion (approximately 79 percent) was concentrated in five program areas. However, the $236 billion total does not include certain programs that agencies have determined are susceptible to significant improper payments, such as the Department of Health and Human Services’ Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.”

GAO continues: “The Department of Housing and Urban Development also did not report improper payment estimates for the Office of Public and Indian Housing’s Tenant Based Rental Assistance program and the Office of Multifamily Housing’s Project-Based Rental Assistance program. As a result, the government-wide estimate potentially does not represent the full extent of improper payments.” In fact, the Biden Administration set a record of $281.4 billion in improper payments in Fiscal Year 2021, some $75 billion more than the previous year, of which only three months occurred during the Trump Administration. To give perspective, in fiscal year 2022, only 14 of the 24 agencies required by law fully complied with the audit, according to the report.

GAO reports that “Since fiscal year 2003, cumulative improper payment estimates by executive branch agencies have totaled about $2.7 trillion.” Of the 20-year total, the Biden Administration has accounted for over 28% of improper payments in just three years. The Obama Administration accounted for $1.105 TRILLION of the total. Obama and Biden represent $1.869 Trillion, or 69% of the 20-year total in improper payments. What did these improper payments buy? Who benefited from this socialist transfer of wealth? Why isn’t the media covering it? Isaiah 5:23 says woe to those “Who justify the wicked for a bribe, And take away justice from the righteous man!” GAO concludes with the obvious: “Reducing improper payments is critical to safeguarding federal funds.” DUH!!!!


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Bill Wilson

