Witnessing prophetic types and shadows of the end times

There is a phenomena among humans: Someone causes trouble and the one who retaliates gets blamed. We see it in sports when someone commits an egregious foul, the person fouled retaliates and gets penalized. Such is the case with Hamas and Israel. It is for blood. Hamas did the terrorist deed. Brutally torturing, raping, dismembering, beheading, ripping babies from the womb, and killing innocent civilians in a surprise attack. Within days, the news media was questioning whether Israel should respond. Then the Arab nations condemned Israel for its own self-defense. Then the United Nations began condemning Israel for its thoughts and plans for self-defense, falling into the terrorist plan.

The terrorist plan, which is shared by a list of Arab countries including Turkey and Iran blatantly, and others like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, who are somewhat more diplomatic, is the elimination of Israel and the Jewish people from the face of the earth. It has been so stated, even by the Palestinian Authority which is given billions of dollars by European nations and the United States. Such a double standard, saying this money is given for humanitarian purposes with a liberal bleeding heart wink knowing full well that the money allows for the purchase of military equipment and funds an infrastructure for purposes of Israeli genocide. Hamas is the most recent shining example.

It attacks boldly in the name of allah, then retreats underground beneath hospitals and schools, using their own people as human shields. Oh the poor “Palestinians,” they say, are going to once again be brutalized by the evil Israelis. They need food, shelter, a place to stay, medical supplies, and fuel. The food is being taken by Hamas for its terrorists. The shelter is being used by Hamas as a human shield. The place to stay—none of the neighboring countries will take in the refugees because the “Palestinian” refugees are the pawns of the Arab propaganda machine to invoke world sympathy against Israel. They need to stay put and appear oppressed, even if the oppression is by their own elected government, Hamas. Hamas is taking the fuel and pilfering medical supplies from the hospitals to be used for its terrorists. What a ruse.

Yet all the nations of the world cry alligator tears while writing checks for humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, China and Russia on the UN Security Council are condemning Israel for defending itself. We are witnessing first-hand the prophetic types and shadows of the end times. Hundreds of Bible verses describe how the enemies of Israel will come against God’s chosen people “In that day.” One in particular also has a warning. A word of the Lord in Zechariah 12:9, “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” God will not be mocked. Claiming to support Israel while funding its brutal enemies in the name of humanitarianism will have consequences. Buckle up. The times, they are a’changin’.

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Bill Wilson

