The Farm Chronicles: Death of a coach

The Farm Chronicles: Death of a coach

I just found out that my high school football and track coach passed away. Martin “Marty” Tausch was 86. He had a profound impact on my life and I’ve been debating how to depict it. I met Coach going into my sophomore year. There was a meeting called of all those who wanted to play…

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COVID update not positive

Website of the Trust for Health Foundation

Recent studies indicate bad news for those who received the experimental use COVID vaccine that many businesses, the military and the government coerced upon the population using fear and political pressure. The Epoch Times has gathered many studies and memos under Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests that reveal an alarming trend of bending or breaking…

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Stupidocrisy: Bidenflation

A photo of Joe Biden

He keeps saying it. And he keeps expecting people to believe it. Inflation is under control, he says. What planet is Joe Biden on? Have you been to the grocery store lately? Have you filled up your car with gas? Oh yes, gas prices are down a little, but food prices continue to soar. And…

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The new communism

World Economic Forum

Communism is on the rise in America and seeks to take over the nation without a single revolutionary shot fired.  Communism is found in the public school system.  Communism is found in the political system.  Communism is found in the federal government.  But Communism went out with Gorbechev, right?–The tearing down of the Berlin wall; the fall of the Soviet Union.  Wrong. Communism is alive and…

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Of newsstands and taking stands

Taking a Stand

Some of the headlines in the news right now are indicative of just how upside-down the world is. As a matter of fact, it is amazing that the news media would even give some of these people a headline except the media is about as far from truth and common sense as the earth from…

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The Farm Chronicles: Farmball and football

The Farm Chronicles: Farmball and football

With football season now kicked off, it reminds me of another game we played on the farm, a way  to have some fun and let off some steam. Growing up on the farm was a lot of hard work, especially in the fall when school started. Waking up early in the morning before school and…

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How much more does it take?


The Biden Administration refuses to protect national security by allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals to cross the US border; it has overseen the most intrusive lockdown of citizens and businesses in history; it has coerced, collaborated with and conspired to censor dissent with corporate media and big business; it has used the FBI to…

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Stupidocrisy: Mandating electric vehicles

A news clip of soldier carrying a memorial

Over the past 60 years that I know of, California has been first. First to institute any hair-brained progressive idea. First to see it fail. First to suffer the consequences of such stupidocrisy. Now along comes the whole green energy thing. And California, leading the West Coast of Washington and Oregon (which are almost as…

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Joe Biden’s Democracy

A tweet by Dave Portnoy

Joe Biden believes that those who want to make America great again are a threat to democracy. He speaks the truth. In Biden’s mind and those in leadership of the Democratic Party, anyone who supports a Constitutional Republic is a threat to their brand of democracy. Their brand of democracy is the lawless rule of…

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Changing times and laws

Flag of America inside an hourglass

There is so much division in this country. It’s not good. We know from Christ’s own words in Mark 3:25 that “if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” It’s not only that our nation is divided, families are divided. And families are the foundation of society. We are divided by politics.…

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