Stupidocrisy: It can happen to you, too

Call it what you will—communism, socialism, fascism, democratic socialism, liberal democrat, whatever—these are all different shades of tyranny, cousins of the same family. And there is no evidence greater that it is alive and well in America than these so-call “trials” conjured up the Democratic Party against former president Donald Trump. A hallmark of communism, or tyranny in general, is the destruction of political opposition. This is what is happening to Trump. And, if we are not careful, it will happen to any of us who disagree with the Democratic Party bosses. They are using the full measure of their party appointments, elected officials and operatives to persecute Trump in these show trials.

While the Democratic Party, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton conspired to, but unsuccessfully, implicate candidate Trump in 2016 and Russia in an election interference scheme (and spending millions in taxpayer dollars to prove nothing), there is even a bigger election interference occurring today. It is obvious that the Democrats have weaponized their court appointments and elected Democrat prosecutors to try to put Trump behind bars. This smacks of the communist show trials we saw during the Cold War as well as what we see today in China, Nicaragua, and Cuba. Stalin’s longstanding secret police chief Laverntiy Beria bragged “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” as he was responsible for the execution of millions during the Stalin era. Any opposition for any crime committed or not.

In his controversial book “The New Persecuted, Inquiries into Anti-Christian Intolerance in the New Century of Martyrs” written in 2001, Antonio Socci wrote that 45 million Christians were martyred in the last century–mostly at the hands of communist and Islamic regimes. From 1900 to 1999, over 100 million deaths occurred because of communism. The Miami Herald reported on April 23, 2006 that Fidel Castro was responsible for 31,173 executions and prison deaths since he took power in 1959. Some 5,728 were killed by firing squads. He refused medical attention to those trying to escape the island by boat, resulting in another estimated 77,000 deaths. Nearly all the sources indicate an exact number of deaths caused by Castro’s regime is unattainable, with some estimating the death toll over 1.5 million.

From January 6 defendants rotting in jail without trials, to those found guilty using laws that were not remotely associated with Capitol Hill protests to the twisted prosecution of Trump and most anybody associated with him, we are witnessing the exclusive Marxist handiwork of the Democratic Party. Can you see the pattern? Even Hillary Clinton is now saying that if he is elected, Trump will seek to kill his political opposition. From her heart her mouth speaks because that is what she and her party did and is doing to Trump, figuratively killing the opposition. It’s far more than election interference. Isaiah 59:14 says, “Justice is turned away, and righteousness stands at a distance. For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter.” This is how it is. What crime have you committed? Allowing this to continue is, say it with me…Stupidocrisy.

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Bill Wilson

