1/20 Choosing Life

This current time in which we live is distinctly marked as a struggle between life and death. It is evidenced by the terrorist attacks by the Islamic death cult, raging disasters often exacerbated by inept human leadership, and the religion of death found in abortion. Life is central to God’s eternal plan. That informs the evil dedication to killing life with death. As the Lord says in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” While we are not all prophets, God has set us apart and has given us a choice to join His plan of life, liberty and blessing for His creation. We have many examples in scripture. Let us examine the story of Moses.

The descendants of Jacob/Israel had multiplied and become very powerful in the land of Goshen. The new Pharaoh feared that there would be an uprising, and enslaved them. But God remembered them—enter Moses, who’s life was preserved by the LORD through the actions of five women. The first two were the midwives, Shifrah and Puah, who refused the king’s order to kill the Israelite male babies as they were being born. The third was Jochebed, Moses’s mother, who hid Moses as long as she could. The fourth, Moses’s sister Miriam, ensured he was safely delivered in a basket on the Nile to the fifth, Pharaoh’s daughter, who adopted and raised Moses as her own son.

The narrative then fast forwards to the time when at 40 years old, Moses visits his people and kills an Egyptian task master for beating an Israelite slave. When the incident became known, Moses fled to Midian where he became a shepherd for his father-in-law Jethro. One day as he was tending sheep on Mt. Horeb, the Angel of the LORD spoke to him from the burning bush. The LORD tells him how He has heard the cry of His people Israel, and wants to send Moses to Pharaoh to deliver them. Moses, after much discussion, reluctantly chooses to accept the role that the LORD had planned for Moses. He stepped into his destiny and changed the world forever.

The devil’s efforts to prevent deliverance of God’s people from Egypt and destroy the descendant line of the Messiah were foiled by the preservation of the life of Moses and his subsequent choice of obedience to God. No doubt God had set apart Moses and established his mission before he was formed in the womb. This is a powerful example of how choosing life and obedience is so vitally important to God’s plan for each of us. Promoting death, and convincing life-givers (women) that it is their duty to kill their babies if they are inconvenienced by them is nothing short of evil. Your life has meaning because it is appointed by God and given through the miracle of birth. When given the choice, always choose life that you and your seed may have life and have it more abundantly.

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Bill Wilson

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